Life coaching is a luxury for many, but it can also be an essential tool for those who need it. But why is life coaching expensive? And what’s the point?
Life coaching is often seen as a luxury, or even a trend. The truth is, however, that life coaches provide vital services for people who need them—and often for people who don’t know they need them until they have one.
Because life coaching isn’t just about making you feel good—it’s about making you better. And that takes time and skill. It takes someone who has studied human behaviour and learned how to apply a variety of concepts to real-world situations. This helps you to make lasting changes in your life. And it takes someone who cares enough about you to invest their time and energy into helping you make those changes happen.
Life coaching is expensive. It’s expensive because it’s not an ‘essential’ item in your life. Life coaching is an investment in yourself. Only you can determine the value you place on getting yourself from where you are now to where you want to be.
You can also look at the investment like this: what would the cost be to your health and happiness if you don’t invest in a coach?
I’m an extremely dedicated life coach. This means, your goals are my goals. I’m committed to your success just as much as you are (if not more because you’re paying me to help you) and I will do whatever it takes to ensure you achieve your goals. I literally will not stop until you’ve realised your ambitions because I believe in the power of the work that I do.
However, life coaches charge differing amounts usually based on the quality of the service they deliver for you. Not all coaches are the same and not all coaches are ethical – so ensure you do your homework before working with one. Look at their qualifications and have a discovery call with them. Remember the success of coaching is in the rapport between the two of you – trust your gut.
It’s a common complaint that, if you’re not rich, you can’t afford life coaching. But I believe that everyone has a right to get value from their money and you can get the most out of your life coaching investment.
Life coaching isn’t just about financial investment—it’s also an emotional one. You’re putting your trust in someone who knows more than you do about your own happiness, your own potential, and your own goals. That’s a big deal! And it makes sense why it would be more costly than other forms of talking service. But it doesn’t mean that someone who doesn’t have much money can’t get as much value out of life coaching as someone who does have money.
Firstly, ensure you know what life coaching is. When someone says that my life coaching is expensive, I know that either a) they literally can’t afford to work with me or b) they don’t value the investment in coaching.
In variable a) I can’t do much about your financial situation per se (well, I can coach you to better financial wealth but you need to start with an investment first). This scenario calls for coaching from a bigger company that can afford to charge similar rates to counsellors. There are many around and worth looking into if you understand what coaching is.
On the other hand, in the case of variable b) the value you place on yourself is a good tell-tale sign with regards to how willing you are to achieve your goals.
About 4 years ago, I downsized my life when I went full time in my coaching practice. I wanted to solely focus on developing my practice. This wasn’t easy but it was necessary. I valued the success of my business so much more than the BMW I was driving and the 3 bed Victorian house I was living in. The weekly Michelin star dinners I was enjoying and the stuff (think Prada, Chanel, Bose) that I was buying were nice but not essential.
It was important for me to work with the coaches that I wanted to work with in order to enhance my training. This meant, I needed to create money that would enable me to do this. So I down-sized my life. I’m not telling you to do that, it was relevant for my journey. What I’m saying is this: look at where you place value in your life in order to decide the value of coaching for you.
You see, being of service to others who may be burning out from a life they weren’t supposed to be living was far more important to me than the pleasure I was getting from *stuff*. Being able to help others realise their potential, their dreams, to do meaningful work and to create a life they love – outweighed all that *stuff*.
I hate the early morning workouts but I love the idea of being champion of the world.
– Mohammed Ali
Life coaching is an investment in yourself and your future, so it’s right to be skeptical about whether or not it’s worth the money. But what people don’t tell you is that life coaching isn’t just about getting advice. It’s about having someone who will listen to you, and help you figure out your problems for yourself.
You can think of life coaches like personal trainers for the mind. They help you identify the root of a problem and then guide you through a process of solving it. They’re focused on getting results, not just keeping their clients happy (though I do that too).
This means that if you’re looking for someone to tell you what to do next, then a life coach might not be for you; but if you want someone who will help you take ownership over your own problems so that they can be solved by YOU, then a life coach is probably the best choice!
I’m Puja, a transformational coach on a mission to help high-achieving women lead, succeed and thrive, without burnout.
Through a powerful blend of ancient wisdom and modern psychology, I help ambitious women break free from over-functioning and step into a successful and fulfilling life that feels as good as it looks.
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