Without a doubt, we are all capable of having the life that we dream of but there is one major reason why you may not be changing your situation. In this article I’m going to talk about fear and how it relates to holding us back from changing our lives for the better.
Fear holds you back from changing your situation
1. Fear of the unknown
Fear is the number driver for holding you back from changing your situation and it can show up in different guises like this. Fearing the unknown is a common reason not to change something in your life. It is probably the easiest fear to address because the worst that could happen is that you go back to the way things were. Sometimes, that can even be the driver to pursue your dreams.
2. Fear of failure
If you want to leave your job or start a business, the fear of failure can be the main cause of why you’re not changing your situation. Be honest with yourself, are you scared to fail? Whilst I can say it’s completely normal to fear failure, what you need to do is understand what specifically scares you. Then, create a solution to prevent it or manage it if the failure arises.
No matter what you do to change your life, fear is a constant and failure even more so. Changing your situation may not be a pretty or easy move but if you’re truly unhappy with the life you are living, it’s definitely the move to take.
Changing your situation is not about other people
3. Fear of what people will say
If I had a £1 for every time a client said “but what will people say?” to me when working on their goals, I seriously would be a millionaire by now!
Fearing what people say or think is the weakest of the fears. This fear is about you, your upbringing and your belief systems. In order to change your situation for the better, you must not even bother to consider what other people will say or think. It is your life, your choices and your failures.
Once you start your journey to changing your life, you’ll be quickly surprised at how much resilience you actually do have and you’ll certainly not be worried about other people’s opinions. At the end of the day, their opinions are just a reflection of their own mediocre lives.
Money stops your from changing your situation
4. Fear of money
Money sits in two camps when it comes to changing your situation. The first camp is that of lack because you’re worried you can’t make money. The other camp is about thinking that you don’t have enough money to take the leap. Firstly, you must look at your finances realistically.
Not having enough money
If you wanted to change careers/ re-train/ start a business, to do this full time, you will need some savings to cover your bills. You know how much it costs to run your life but I always say, bring it down to the bare minimum so that you know what your true financial baseline is.
We often think we need a lot more money than we actually do. The baseline to help you change your situation is the roof over your head and food. Everything else beyond those two form luxuries. You can absolutely have luxuries such as travel costs (bus, train, car etc) but be mindful how much you truly need and of course, how much you actually want the change in your life.
Making money
This fear truly is down to you and your mindset. If you think your business will not be able to the make the money, then that’s what you’ll get. In order to shift this mindset, you need to move it to one of abundance and you do this by addressing your limiting beliefs. These beliefs are often ingrained from early experiences so addressing them before taking the leap will help you to be more successful.
5. Fear of discomfort
“In order to change things, you have to change things.” This quote is absolute and one that you should consider if you’re looking to change your situation. It is absolutely going to be uncomfortable to make changes in your life, especially if it’s a big change however, the rewards will be worth it.
Once you’ve addressed all of the fears you may have and decided which ones are manageable, you put yourself in an advantageous position to actually change your life.
So if you really want to, face those fears and just start.
I’m Puja, a transformational coach on a mission to help high-achieving women lead, succeed and thrive, without burnout.
Through a powerful blend of ancient wisdom and modern psychology, I help ambitious women break free from over-functioning and step into a successful and fulfilling life that feels as good as it looks.
The 5 key shifts that move you from overwhelmed to thriving
Why working harder isn’t the answer - and what to do instead
A simple, powerful framework to align success with fulfilment
How to elevate your energy and ambition without burning out
Practical next steps to start thriving today
Elevate Your Energy, Ambition & Well-Being
Ready to shift from surviving to thriving?
This powerful guide helps high-achieving women break free from exhaustion and excel in their ambitions, personal life and well-being - without sacrificing themselves in the process.
This powerful guide helps high-achieving women break free from exhaustion and excel in their ambitions, personal life and well-being - without sacrificing themselves in the process.
Elevate Your Energy, Ambition & Well-Being
Ready to shift from surviving to thriving?
Inside, You’ll Discover:
The 5 key shifts that move you from overwhelmed to thriving Why working harder isn’t the answer A simple, powerful framework to align success with fulfilment How to elevate your energy and ambition without burning out Practical next steps to start thriving today
Plus it includes tips to optimise well-being and prevent burnout in the pursuit of fulfilment.